Saturday, March 10, 2012

Minecraft, It's Here!

Minecraft, a small indie game that somehow caught the attention of some many people of varying ages. A year after, this game has become one of the most simplistic yet enjoyable games so far.

And now it's coming to Xbox 360! With no features taken out from its original PC game, this version of Minecraft will almost have no difference from it's earlier version.

So why be so excited for this new Minecraft? Here's why:

  1. It's Minecraft. And Minecraft is cool.
  2. There will be exclusive secrets for the Xbox 360 version.
  3. Planned to have 4-player splitscreen.
  4. 8-player maximum players online.

Here's a game trailer by Minecraft's creaters.

According to the Minecraft Wiki, it has been leaked that there the price of this new Minecraft will be between 800 to 1200 Microsoft Points, which is roughly equivalent to about $16.

So far, this seems like a great deal. The Xbox 360 version of Minecraft is rumored to be release later this month, so let's cross our fingers and see!

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